Learn to Weave in 2025
I love teaching others how to weave, so if you and your friends or local organisation (preferably in the Nottingham area) want to learn how to get started, then get in touch. It's easier than learning how to knit and doesn't need expensive equipment.
I also give talks to groups, such as craft groups and WI groups, called 'My Weaving Journey', which is about how my skills and interests have developed over the years. I bring lots of samples of my colourful work. If you are a member of a group, which you think might be interested in a talk or day course, please get in touch. I also give a talk and demonstration on 'Weaving with Waste', explaining my passion for using unusual materials.
Email me at sarahcooke80@btinternet.com for more information.
Weaving courses 2025
Saturday, 12 April Weaving with Waste Museum of Making, Derby www.derbymuseums.org
Sunday, 11 May Weaving a Silk Purse Created by Hand, Strelley Hall www.createdbyhand.co.uk
Saturday, 21 June Weave a Silk Purse Museum of Making, Derby www.derbymuseums.org
Saturday, 13 July Weave a Silk Purse Museum of Making, Derby www.derbymuseums.org
Saturday, 11 October Weaving with Waste Created by Hand, Strelley Hall www.createdbyhand.co.uk
Saturday, 22 November Macrame Trees and Stars Museum of Making, Derby www.derbymuseums.org
And more to come.....
Review of a day course -
"Weaving with Waste", was the theme of the workshop, held at our Guild meeting on 20th May. Sarah Cooke beguiled members with an amazing variety of colour, texture and glitter, woven into many different fabrics. All created from materials that are normally thrown away! We used a plethora of discarded materials to weave onto a frame loom. The variety of our creations was truly amazing and inspired us all to be kinder to the planet when selecting textiles for future weaving projects.
Herefordshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
In a Weaving with Waste day course you will learn the basics of weaving on a simple frame loom, and how to incorporate all sorts of waste materials (plastic packaging, old cables, cut up old clothes and jewellery, etc). You can make a small bag, table mat, wall hanging or cover a notebook, and do your bit for the planet!
In a Weave a Silk Purse day course, you will learn the basics of weaving, using recycled sari silk yarn and ribbon. Your purse will be lined and fastened with a zip or buttins. Perfect as a phone pouch, make up bag, or even to hold money!
In an Introduction to Tapestry Weaving course, (usually 2 days), you will learn how to create a woven picture, in the tradition of the great crafts with a contemporary twist.

Learn how to turn old rubbish into beautiful fabrics

A colourful wall hanging made at a day course of 'Weaving with Waste'